
Where can we find mandalas?

Mandalas are found everywhere. They can be seen in nature, sacral art and architecture. They are not present solely in the Eastern countries but can be found in all religions, cultures and civilizations.

They can be found here in Europe, too; we have just named them differently. In our culture, their true meaning and purpose were forgotten. The time has come for their value and importance to be recognised.

Mandalas include the entire universe and represent the perfection of creation. The centre of the mandala is a point where the absolute, unconditional love or the Source is located.

Mandala represents the origin of man and his evolution. As the source of spiritual assistance, they are made of various forms, shapes, symbols and have multiple dimensions. Linked colours, geometrical shapes and symbols connect us with the world and show us the path to ourselves. Diversity, connected to the whole, opens the path to inner harmony and positive inner feelings.

Mandalas are constructed in a way so that the left and right parts of our brain are being equally active, forming our rational and intuitive parts. Gradually, both become one whole.

Zmago Šmitek, PhD, wrote: “We cannot say that every circular ornament is a mandala. A mandala has to have its centre, from where the sacred force emits outwardly. A mandala is not only a way of external expression but has a returning impact on its creator or observer. What is more: genuine mandalas are only those which originate as spiritual images, all others are only external expressions.