
What is a mandala

Seeking the true path to balance, harmony and discovering the inner world is more and more present in the lives of contemporary people. If we are to live in harmony, we have to find a connection with ourselves and learn how to hear our inner voice.

Mandalas can help us on this path of exploration and discovery of our inward and outward worlds. With the combination of interconnected geometrical shapes, forms, colours and symbols, a mandala links us with the world and shows us the path to revealing our higher self. In a physical point of view, the mandala connects us with the spiritual world. It is a key to self-knowledge, to knowing that we are more than a physical body. We are the soul, and the body is ours.

Since primeval times, mandalas were used as basic symbols for practicing concentration and meditation, personal and spiritual growth, protection and healing. There are various techniques of meditation with mandalas, as there are different religions, cultures, philosophical and artistic contexts.


We all have a wish to be in peace with ourselves. This dream is not out of reach. Peace and love can be achieved regardless of what is happening around us. We just need to learn to concentrate on the source of love, peace and joy in our hearts. As a result, we begin to see that all this serenity was always there in our hearts, we just forgot how to keep this connection alive. When meditating with mandalas, the darkness gradually disappears, the light in us manifests, and we become the creators of our reality, which is also the main purpose of life.


The Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung used mandalas to describe the symbolic representation of the human psyche, the essence of which is unknown to us. He emphasised that these symbols are to be used to strengthen the inner being and to stimulate deep meditation. Looking at mandalas gives us serenity; a feeling arises which tells us that life has been given a new sense and place. The mandala has a double effect: it maintains the psychological order and restores it when gone.

He defined the mandala as a “representation of the unconscious self” and used it for identifying the emotional disturbances and for restoring the wholeness of the personality.